NBA’s Best Hair

In a day and age where analytics rule the sports talk shows, there is one key attribute that gets overlooked. Hair styles are the new shoe deals, and I’m here to bring you the current top 5 NBA hairstyles in the league today.

5) Vince Carter

The Classic. Nothing says I am an NBA super star more than being in the league so long you can now no longer grow hair. The bald look really adds an element of intimidation to Carter’s game.

4) Steven Adams

The Jason Mamoa. While they may not be identical looks, Steven Adams’ hair looks eerily similar to the Aquaman. While is water abilities have yet to be tested, there is no denying that Adams’ long hair gives him the superhuman strength needed to play in the post in todays game.

3) De’Aaron Fox

The beads. Fox’s beads are the sole reason for Sacramento’s resurgence this year. De’Aaron has always been fast on the court, but the beads have helped make Fox more aerodynamic to allow him to blow past defenders on the fast break.

2) Jarrett Allen

The Afro. Jarrett Allen’s afro takes you back in time. A simpler time, where all that mattered was putting the ball through the hoop and not how many Instagram followers you have. Allen’s hair also typically gives him the height advantage over just about anyone in the league. Solid runner up finish.

1) Lonnie Walker IV

The Lonnie. There are no words to describe Lonnie’s hair. It is in its own category. There is no mistaking who Lonnie is if you can’t afford good seats and end up in the nosebleeds. Some have compared him to a palm tree, which fits his college choice of Miami nicely. All the contenders gave a valiant effort, but in the end, the choice was clear. Lonnie Walker IV has the best hair in the NBA.


  Did I leave anyone off? Tweet it to us at @Lottery51.